Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Transworld is right around the corner

Unfortunately, due to my day time job, I can only manage to go for the weekend this year. Although, fortunately, due to my day job, I am employed. So, I'll go with the glass half full approach.

I love going because it gives me the opportunity to catch up with some folks as well as seeing all the fun new stuff on the market.

This year, I'm on the prowl to for folks from both the East Coast Haunt Club and the Garage of Evil. But, I'm always looking for new Haunties too. So, if you plan on attending, just drop me a comment or shoot me an e-mail. I'll do everything in my power to hook up with you Friday and/or Saturday nights.

If you can't make it, I'll be posting updates about all the cool stuff I'm seeing and doing (and drinking) for your viewing pleasure.

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