Sunday, January 30, 2011

I will not be stopped by that tramp, Mother Nature

On Friday, I'm flying into blizzard central, the East Coast. And now, they are calling for a massive blizzard here in Chicago as well? I will not be stopped! I will make it to Rhode Island and I will hang out with my beloved haunters! I don't care if I have to rent a dogsled to get me there. It will happen.

So, if you're in the Providence area on Friday, February 4th around 7pm, stop on by Dave and Busters and hang out with. OK?

Dave and Buster's soon
We will eat and play some pool
Haunters are the best

- A Haiku by Debbie and Pam (Dam)

1 comment:

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Wish I could be there.....Have a great time.
