Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Haunter's Coming! A Haunter's Coming!

It's so rare that any of the east coast haunters make it Chicago that I get totally geeked out when one does!

ECHC's co-founder, Pam, is coming here this weekend. We already have a few fun things planned. . . like a cemetery day. . . and a haunted tour. . . and a visit to the tiki bar . . . ok, that last one isn't hauntcentric, but, it will still be fun.

We'll make sure to take plenty of pictures of any haunted type places we go to and post them here.

And. . .YIPPIE!!!!

1 comment:

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Yeah! Tell her I said "hi" and I will see her at Hauntcon. Have a great time!
