Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ECHC Announces 2010 Gathering

** New England Haunter's Gathering X **

A decade of Halloween and still going strong!

That’s right, 10 years! The East Coast Haunt Club has trick-n-treated you with haunted Halloween fun for a whole decade.

Thank you all for making our Gathering one of the longest running of its kind!

When......: Saturday, August 7th
Time.......: 10:00 am
Admission: $20.00
** Ages 14 and over only please! **

* Check out our PayPal option and please don’t forget to RSVP so we know how much food to order!

So far on the agenda....

Haunter’s Hangout - Please bring one of your homemade props, decorations or special effects and be a part of the spooky show-n-tell. * This agenda item will depend on the amount of participation.

Other information....

Silent Auction: To Benefit Team Halloween!

** Last year we raised $1,400.00, let’s see what we can do this year! **

Once again, some members will be cleaning out and donating their Halloween items for a silent auction to raise money for Team Halloween. Team Halloween is a charitable project, started by Mike Krausert of Bad Boys Scenic Design & Terror on the Fox, Nightmare New England and Spookyworld that raises money for cancer research & support. All money raised will be donated to the “Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition” (MBCC). So, bring cash and maybe you will find a treasure while contributing to a worthy cause!"

For more information on MBCC, please visit:
For more information on Team Halloween, please visit

Hotel Information - Radisson Hotel Nashua, NH. Click on the following link for more information Hotels

Dinner & Costume Ball - Our first Costume Ball, hopefully the first of many!
$45 per person
Door Prizes - You don’t have to be a business to donate a door prize. Whether you own a business or simply have a prize to contribute, the East Coast Haunt Club and its gathering attendees would appreciate any donation! Please contact !


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Wish I could be there! Maybe next year (I know I said that last year too) - I will definately contact Pam about some door prizes!

Have a great time everyone!


Skulls said...

Thanks so much! I wish you could be there too!