After finishing shopping (two skull shirts and a pair of skull sandals) it was on to the workshops. You know, the reason where here and all.
The others will be filling me, and then you, in on how their workshops were a bit later. But, here's the lowdown on the ones I went to. One last thing before I start, all the presenters today were really good. No droning on and on. They were all funny and knowedgeable. And, all of them had no problem with questions interrupting their talks. Well done!
Foam Prosthetic Application & Silicone
I've been to several of these, mostly because I'm thick and don't understand things. I must say, I think I finally get it and could do it. In fact, I could more than likely answer all of your ridiculously easy foam appliance and painting questions. Of course, as I am lame, I will be most likely using a silicone mask. The difference? Not as much movement in a mask. But, a lot less work.
Demo Mold Making and Casting Materials
Jason Reese of Smooth-On, Inc. really, REALLY knew his stuff. Plus, he was very funny, in that dry sense of humor type of way that I adore. He broke it down with the do's and don'ts and explained it in a way that even a crafts challenged person like me can understand. Plus, they are putting together website with all kinds of info and tips on making molds and casting. If you want more information on them, here's a link. . .
A bit later, I'll have the info on the other workshops. Stay tuned. Until then, enjoy this picture . . .

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