I was a wussy girl last night and decided to not party like a teenager who's parents are out of town. Instead, I stayed in and vegged which was like a little slice of heaven.
They rest of the crew all went out and had an excellent time. Patti and Eric hung with the Eerie Industry folks and drank a bit. Pam made the rounds and learned how to play Texas hold 'em (is that what the Texas kids are calling it these days?).
During the night we had major storms. I didn't hear any of it until the rain started hitting the windows, which I confused with a rodent of some sort rummaging through our room. Yes, the hotel is THAT bad. I was happy to find out it was rain.
This morning, I slept in and took my sweet hiney time getting ready. After which, I had a nice liesurely breakfast. Then, I decided, since I'm here, maybe I'll take in a workshop or two.
I kicked off with the Flickering Lantern Make and Take. After having to shoo off some freeloaders, Brian from Hallow Effects got down to business. He made it very easy for everyone with a smidge of ability. I am not one of those people. In fact, I was used as the example of what not to do. After making several mistakes, everyone referred to their errors as "a Debbie". I went out on a high note when I plugged in my masterpiece and blew the circuit (that's what SHE said). Brian can't wait to see me in tomorrow's make and take for LED eyes.
After that, I hung with Pam while she ate a little lunch and then it was off to Effective Scares: Increasing the Scare Factor in Your Haunt with Robert J. Lupo. It was entertaining but, for Patti and me, no very helpful. Most of that information doesn't translate into our rinky-dink home haunt. But, we did take away a few ideas.
Next on the agenda was Creative Theatrical Lighting for Your Haunted Attraction with Jeremy Unruh. This guy, while not overly entertaining, really knew his stuff. And, as folks asked questions after his presentation he became very animated. The question/answer time turned out to be very enlightening and will help make our home haunt more eerily lit. Yippie!!
There's a boot shop across the highway, so that was our next stop. Found a most excellent pair of skull cowboy boots for the low, low price of $210. We decided to pass on them.
Next stop liquor store. Our first attempt was frightening. The whole place was enclosed in bullet proof glass and you put your money into a big drawer and they shoved out the booze. We opted out. Down the road we found Fiesta Liquors. A much better, well lit place with happy employees. And, I'm enjoying my hard lemonade whilst typing this.
We were a bit hungry and found the, and I don't want to oversell this, MOST AWESOMEST INEXPENSE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT ANYWHERE!!. We ate like royalty with piles of fried oysters, cat fish, scallops, shrimp, stuffed crab and broiled crawfish tails accompanied by fries, hushpuppies, dirty shrimp rice and garlic bread. How much was this feast, you ask? Only $48 for all of us!!! We're thinking we'll go back tomorrow.
Tonight's the big costume ball. Only Pam from our group is going. The rest of us plan on watching the horror flicks with our coolers of beer. Should be fabu!!! I'll be back, and possibly a little buttered, later to fill you in on all the gossip. Once these haunters get drinking, you never know what they'll let slip.
Here's a few pictures to get you through the next couple hours. . .
Look how great Pam and Jen look!

Debbie made several attempts to get out of bed before she actually did. Hey, what happened to her ankle?