Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Darkness or The Wetness and The Coldness
After waking from my reenergizing nap, I headed down to the lobby for one last night of stupid good fun with everyone.
We began by moving most of the couches into one big circle. Then we cheered everyone who walked by until they joined us. That brought tons of haunters who all had one thing in common . . . they were pissed about standing in line for an hour and a half in the pouring rain!
Yep, it was cold and rainy and the doors, which were supposed to open at 7, did not open until after 8:30. Something about all new actors who had to be taken through the house and shown what to do. This was really not the crowd to have waiting in that weather for so long. To make matters worse, at the end of the tour was a HUGE room. Yes, they could have brought the line inside.
Luckily, as the beers flowed, moods improved. And, as moods improved, we got sillier and sillier and that brought in even more folks. By the end of the night we had representatives from Texas, Illinois, Nebraska, Ohio, Seattle and California. And, after much chanting and begging, we got two haunters to do the Worm. A third attempted the Worm, but it was pegged “the Trout”. Who cares cuz it was all awesome and she did it twice!
We all had to get up early the next day so we packed it in as soon as Security kicked us out at 3:30 AM.
Sunday it’s back to the show for a bit and then home.
We began by moving most of the couches into one big circle. Then we cheered everyone who walked by until they joined us. That brought tons of haunters who all had one thing in common . . . they were pissed about standing in line for an hour and a half in the pouring rain!
Yep, it was cold and rainy and the doors, which were supposed to open at 7, did not open until after 8:30. Something about all new actors who had to be taken through the house and shown what to do. This was really not the crowd to have waiting in that weather for so long. To make matters worse, at the end of the tour was a HUGE room. Yes, they could have brought the line inside.
Luckily, as the beers flowed, moods improved. And, as moods improved, we got sillier and sillier and that brought in even more folks. By the end of the night we had representatives from Texas, Illinois, Nebraska, Ohio, Seattle and California. And, after much chanting and begging, we got two haunters to do the Worm. A third attempted the Worm, but it was pegged “the Trout”. Who cares cuz it was all awesome and she did it twice!
We all had to get up early the next day so we packed it in as soon as Security kicked us out at 3:30 AM.
Sunday it’s back to the show for a bit and then home.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Castle Facade
Remember how I promised to take pictures of the castle facade. This time, and this time only, I'm keeping my promise. 

Videos from the Darkzone
My digital camera (which I "acquired" from my mother) is not great for video taping in dark areas. If you need proof, just check this out.
These rope climbers from Scare Factory are amazing. I've been combing the internet trying to find a better video of them. I'll keep looking and will post it as soon as I can find it.
Big Stupid Head
So, I spent time last night putting together a nice little write up of Saturday night. Then, I put it on a flash drive. Wait, no I didn't. I put all the videos and pictures on the flash drive, but not the write up. Big stupid head. Until tomorrow, then, please enjoy this hopping mad octopus.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Evening Approaches. . .
The show is closed for the day and everyone is getting ready for their evening plans. For the folks I'm here with that means a tour of The Darkness. I shan't be going. Why, you ask. Well, I don't want to sound cheap, but I just have other ways I'd rather spend the $75 ticket price. A few new items of skull clothing pops to mind.
I have chosen, instead, to have a nice quiet dinner, using my 10% Transworld discount, at the hotel restaurant while updating the blog. Then maybe a quick nap so that I can, again, party like a highschooler tonight.
Before I hit that bed for a little nappy-nap, though, I thought I'd share my favorite things, so far, in the show. . . .
As usual, the Dark Zone rocked. This year there are some really cool flying, winged demons that I'm going to try and video tomorrow. Too many people there today. But these things, by Scare Factory, are amazing. Also the skeletons holding the swaying candelabras are really cool. I'm just a lowly home haunter, but I'm thinking of spending the money to get one of those.
The Octopus. While I have no need for any sea creaturs, I'm seriously considering getting one. If not for me, then for Kate who thinks they are the cutest things ever. Maybe she'll call it Inky. Also the zombie snail was nothing I need, but something I desperately want.
Castle facade. I will try to get pictures of this tomorrow too. It really is very cool and very reasonably priced.
And, of course, Bloody Mary Cosmetics. I always have to buy something at her booth every year. They were already out of a bunch of the stuff I wanted so I'm going to order some things off the site tonight.
As to what I didn't like, this whole obsession with the bathroom scenes, especially someone sitting on the toilet, does not seem Halloweeny to me. It just seems juvenile. And, it's everywhere! Much like that guy puking toxic waste has been in previous years. Honestly, these things are gross, and not in a good scary way.
Alright, my food's coming, chicken with pasta, YUM!, so I'll wrap it up for now.
Wait! Before I go, one more thing. I'm going to try and procure some pictures of The Darkness from Matt, Mark, Patti and Eric. And, I'll try to get them to give me a brief review of it too. So check back soon!
I have chosen, instead, to have a nice quiet dinner, using my 10% Transworld discount, at the hotel restaurant while updating the blog. Then maybe a quick nap so that I can, again, party like a highschooler tonight.
Before I hit that bed for a little nappy-nap, though, I thought I'd share my favorite things, so far, in the show. . . .
As usual, the Dark Zone rocked. This year there are some really cool flying, winged demons that I'm going to try and video tomorrow. Too many people there today. But these things, by Scare Factory, are amazing. Also the skeletons holding the swaying candelabras are really cool. I'm just a lowly home haunter, but I'm thinking of spending the money to get one of those.
The Octopus. While I have no need for any sea creaturs, I'm seriously considering getting one. If not for me, then for Kate who thinks they are the cutest things ever. Maybe she'll call it Inky. Also the zombie snail was nothing I need, but something I desperately want.
Castle facade. I will try to get pictures of this tomorrow too. It really is very cool and very reasonably priced.
And, of course, Bloody Mary Cosmetics. I always have to buy something at her booth every year. They were already out of a bunch of the stuff I wanted so I'm going to order some things off the site tonight.
As to what I didn't like, this whole obsession with the bathroom scenes, especially someone sitting on the toilet, does not seem Halloweeny to me. It just seems juvenile. And, it's everywhere! Much like that guy puking toxic waste has been in previous years. Honestly, these things are gross, and not in a good scary way.
Alright, my food's coming, chicken with pasta, YUM!, so I'll wrap it up for now.
Wait! Before I go, one more thing. I'm going to try and procure some pictures of The Darkness from Matt, Mark, Patti and Eric. And, I'll try to get them to give me a brief review of it too. So check back soon!
Transworld Videos/Pictures
The picture gives better detail. But, the video shows you what it does. 

Same with this. . .
Transworld - Saturday
Well, since we opted to stay up much later than we should have, we ended up sleeping until 10. Then, after showers, Eric decided to crawl back into bed until we, the lovely ladies of Chitown, were ready.

This one is for Chris. In my humble opinion, your Zoltar was waaaay better.

Looks comfy, no? Sorta wishing I was taking a snooze right now.
Eventually, we got ourselves out of the room and down to breakfast. An all you can eat buffet. After that, I REALLY could have taken a snooze. But, I did not. Instead, we hooked up with Matt and Mark and headed over to the show. It was way crowded but I did get a couple pictures and videos. I plan on heading back later this afternoon in hopes that it won't be quite so crowded. In the meantime, here some pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Transworld - First Night (into wee hours of the morning)
I made it! The Amtrak delivered on it's promise to get me here at 10:45. Then, after a quick taxi trip to the hotel, I was folded into the loving embrace of Patti, Eric, Matt and Mark. And, as if that wasn't heart warming enough, they had beer cold and waiting for me. That's love, kids.
Oh, and while I was in the lobby looking around like a little girl lost, Bloody Mary came walking by and we chatted a bit. Perfect beginning to what is sure to be the perfect weekend.
The gang got me caught up on all the goings on that happened prior to my arrival. Then, and this is the part that will surprise you, we grabbed the cooler of beer and headed down to the lobby. Shocking, right? And, what to our wondering eyes should appear? A swarm of haunters, that's what! As much as I love the show floor and looking at all the props, it's this informal gathering of haunters from all over that really floats my boat.
A group of about 20 of us broke off from the pack, rearranged the furniture into a nice circle, and just laughed and joked the night away. Seriously. We didn't head upstairs until aroiund 3. At which point, the Omahomies came back to the room and we watched the movies from our last two parties. We were laughing so hard that security was called on us. It gets better. About 10 minutes later there was another security knock on the door. Only, it wasn't security. It was two guys who came to the wrong room with a couple cases of beer. We tried to get them to stay, but they slunk away, all embarrased.
We finally went to sleep around 5. FIVE! What do I think I'm 35 again or something?
Oh, and while I was in the lobby looking around like a little girl lost, Bloody Mary came walking by and we chatted a bit. Perfect beginning to what is sure to be the perfect weekend.
The gang got me caught up on all the goings on that happened prior to my arrival. Then, and this is the part that will surprise you, we grabbed the cooler of beer and headed down to the lobby. Shocking, right? And, what to our wondering eyes should appear? A swarm of haunters, that's what! As much as I love the show floor and looking at all the props, it's this informal gathering of haunters from all over that really floats my boat.
A group of about 20 of us broke off from the pack, rearranged the furniture into a nice circle, and just laughed and joked the night away. Seriously. We didn't head upstairs until aroiund 3. At which point, the Omahomies came back to the room and we watched the movies from our last two parties. We were laughing so hard that security was called on us. It gets better. About 10 minutes later there was another security knock on the door. Only, it wasn't security. It was two guys who came to the wrong room with a couple cases of beer. We tried to get them to stay, but they slunk away, all embarrased.
We finally went to sleep around 5. FIVE! What do I think I'm 35 again or something?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ghost Train to Transworld
I exaggerate. It'll probably be more like a train filled with people filled with spirits. I have it from a very reliable source, my sales lady at the local Ulta, that the train gets stupid with drunkards. And, as the saying goes. . . . if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
So, tomorrow I take the 5:15 train from my beloved Chicago to St. Louis. It's a 5.5 hour ride and I'm really looking forward to the relaxation. I will, as mentioned above, be sipping on some wine. That way, when I get there at 10:45, I won't be too far behind my fellow haunties who will have been partying since the tradeshow floor closed for the day.
Then, on Saturday, I'll walk the floor, camera in hand, and get lots of good pictures for everyone. There is always something way cool on the market that we all want to see. I'll also get some video of the better animatronics.
And, if you are going to be at Transworld, drop me a note. I'd love to hook up with you.
So, tomorrow I take the 5:15 train from my beloved Chicago to St. Louis. It's a 5.5 hour ride and I'm really looking forward to the relaxation. I will, as mentioned above, be sipping on some wine. That way, when I get there at 10:45, I won't be too far behind my fellow haunties who will have been partying since the tradeshow floor closed for the day.
Then, on Saturday, I'll walk the floor, camera in hand, and get lots of good pictures for everyone. There is always something way cool on the market that we all want to see. I'll also get some video of the better animatronics.
And, if you are going to be at Transworld, drop me a note. I'd love to hook up with you.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Transworld is right around the corner
Unfortunately, due to my day time job, I can only manage to go for the weekend this year. Although, fortunately, due to my day job, I am employed. So, I'll go with the glass half full approach.
I love going because it gives me the opportunity to catch up with some folks as well as seeing all the fun new stuff on the market.
This year, I'm on the prowl to for folks from both the East Coast Haunt Club and the Garage of Evil. But, I'm always looking for new Haunties too. So, if you plan on attending, just drop me a comment or shoot me an e-mail. I'll do everything in my power to hook up with you Friday and/or Saturday nights.
If you can't make it, I'll be posting updates about all the cool stuff I'm seeing and doing (and drinking) for your viewing pleasure.
I love going because it gives me the opportunity to catch up with some folks as well as seeing all the fun new stuff on the market.
This year, I'm on the prowl to for folks from both the East Coast Haunt Club and the Garage of Evil. But, I'm always looking for new Haunties too. So, if you plan on attending, just drop me a comment or shoot me an e-mail. I'll do everything in my power to hook up with you Friday and/or Saturday nights.
If you can't make it, I'll be posting updates about all the cool stuff I'm seeing and doing (and drinking) for your viewing pleasure.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Pictures from the grave
It took me just a touch longer to get these babies up than I anticipated. It's been kinda crazy, especially with a time out for St. Patrick's Weekend frivolity here in Chicago. We Ch-Irish do it up right! But I digress. So, without further ado, here are some pictures of a cemetery right outside the airport in Charlotte, NC.

Ok, the last date of burial at this grave was 1974. So, um, was it so freshly dug up and stuff? Grave robbers?

Ok, the last date of burial at this grave was 1974. So, um, was it so freshly dug up and stuff? Grave robbers?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
South Carolina Visit
I had a wonderful time hanging out with my sister and her family. Weather was perfect.
Tomorrow, I will have some pictures of the local cemetery, built itn 1796, up on the blog.
Tomorrow, I will have some pictures of the local cemetery, built itn 1796, up on the blog.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Crystal Head Vodka
Ok, so, I open up my local newspaper to the Binny's (local liquor store) ad and what do I see? Dan Aykroyd's come out with a vodka encased in a glass skull!! I kid you not. I don't know who's more excited, the skull lover in me or the vodka lover in me. I mean, seriously, how awesome is this bottle!!

Here's a link to the website if you want a little more info on it:
And, if you already knew about this and I'm late to the game, then why didn't you tell me?!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Thank you, Kate!
Kate made me into a pretty, pretty Goth Southpark Princess

What do you guys think? Looks just like me, no?
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