Dear Friends & Family,
I will *try* to keep this note brief…but basically, I wanted to let you all know that On Sunday, October 5th, I will be walking once again with TEAM HALLOWEEN in the Support Connection’s Annual Support A-Walk.
Support Connection is an organization in my home town of Yorktown Hts., NY that provides support & services to people affected by breast & ovarian cancer. Not just cancer patients themselves, but their family and loved ones as well. They give programs (such as Yoga, Cancer Wellness seminars), peer counseling, support groups, and resource referral (best place to buy wigs, etc.). The organization is staffed by an amazing bunch of people who are absolutely dedicated to this cause. Most of the funding for these programs come from the donations generated by this once a year event. Support Connection is unique in that it is volunteer driven…and unlike many organizations 90% of the funds raised goes directly back into the programs and services.
This year is especially important to me for two reasons. 1) My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in May. Luckily, it was caught early. 2) The Peer Counselor who first helped me unfortunately lost her own battle with breast cancer this past week. Hopefully, soon, all breast cancer will be caught early. And maybe one day, a cure will be found.
If you would like to make a donation to my team, please visit and click on the link on the left hand side for “Support A Walk”. From there you can either make a donation online or print out a form to mail in a donation. (Don't forget to earmark it for "Team Halloween"!).
If you would like to walk with us in the Walk-a-thon, please contact me with details. Also, feel free to forward this message to anyone who may be interested.
Thank you all very much for your time.
Pam & Jim Tole
Team Halloween